What’s it like being an indie author?

What’s it like being an indie author? Well, to be honest it’s terrifying. Not the answer you were expecting? Let me explain.

It’s terrifying because you want people to love your book as much as you do. I’ve written for hours upon hours pouring everything I have into my first book, Shadows and Deception. I’ve fallen in love with each of the characters.

Indie authors, myself included, put their everything into their writing (many tears were shed when formatting didn’t go as planned. I mean having to upload corrected files 20 times would make anyone a little teary.) I’ve always been a perfectionist, so I’ve scrutinized every single sentence looking for errors. Every time, I’ve found one comma here or one period there even backwards quotation mark. It’s frustrating. I want to create my version of perfection not for the money, but for the enjoyment that it may bring people. As you know, perfection is nearly impossible to achieve.

I’ve always been an introvert so books have always been a way to escape to another world where your bills, issues, and worries don’t exist. Another world where the perfect life or perfect “book boyfriend” exists. Being an indie author is about putting a part of you into the world hoping people will accept it. Waiting is the worst part. The questions flood your mind- Will they like it? Will they want more or will it turn into the dreadful DNF book that everyone hates. I’ve learned while writing this book that you just have to trust yourself. That’s, of course, easier said than done. I’ve had several moments that I’ve considered not even publishing it because I’m convinced it’s not good enough. Would I ever admit that to someone- maybe, maybe not. I’m really not sure. It’s terrifying to be an author of any callaber. I hope it’s worth the risk.